On Fri, 10 Nov 2017 22:03:32 -0500
"taii...@gmx.com" <taii...@gmx.com> wrote:

> In case you don't notice my reply (but please keep replies on the ML
> so everyone sees :D)

OK, here it is...

> On 11/09/2017 12:32 PM, Steve Litt wrote:


> > After Rick's posted Minix on Intel article, I'm going to stick with
> > AMD even if it's more expensive, slower and hotter (and I'm not
> > saying any of those things are true).  


> Intel ME / AMD PSP
> Post 2013 AMD stuff is just as bad as Intel's, if a KGPE-D16/KCMA-D8 
> (libre firmware available, RYF) socket G34/C32 isn't good enough you
> can get a (brand new, very fast and very cool) TALOS 2 (POWER 9)
> which has both libre firmware and hardware and will be RYF certified.
> I play the latest games in a VM (vfio gfx card via iommu-gfx) with my 
> D16, in comparison a 4386/6328 CPU is equal to a FX-8310)
> POWER is the only libre performance CPU arch available now
> http://raptorcs.com (TALOS 2 is made by the same company that made
> the quality D8/D16 libre coreboot ports that I use)
> It is a good deal for the performance you get (that is a low price
> for high end server hardware, you would pay more with x86)

The computers on your link cost $4500.00 and up. Bare bones mobos with
processor and a little RAM cost $2300.00. I'm just not that much of a

Houses in my neighborhood cost very roughly $350,000.00. I like my
privacy, but that doesn't mean I'd spend $1,000,000.00 on an equivalent
house with a built-in faraday cage, small windows with retractible steel
shutters, a drone-jammer for my property, and a whole house
wall-vibrator to prevent spooks from using the old "listen with a laser
reflection" trick.

I value my safety, but I don't have an underground bunker with 40 guns,
10,000 rounds of ammo, 200 magazines, 500 pounds of tuna and sardines,
10,000 daily vitamin pills, 5,000 gallons of distilled water, and 30
one ounce gold coins. Some people value their safety that much: I'm not
one of them.

We all have our priorities,  and for each of us, money's one of them.

I'm not willing to pay $4800.00 for a computer that eliminates every
last attack vector. I'm not even willing to spend the time to eliminate
every last attack vector from my software, so I'm for sure not going to
spend $4800 for a computer.


Steve Litt 
November 2017 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts
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