On Tue, 14 Nov 2017 17:03:54 -0500
"taii...@gmx.com" <taii...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On 11/14/2017 04:19 AM, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> > To me, these prices look more like a 'polite' extortion for the
> > 'obsessed' and gullible.  
> I can't understand as to why everyone always compares the pricing to 
> that of a daily browsing computer and not intel/amd's high end server 
> offerings where the CPU's alone cost thousands of dollars - it is the 
> average price for server hardware in that performance class.

Because the average person needs a COTS (Commodity Off The Shelf)
computer,  not a .999999 uptime server.

> I remember a time when x86 computers regularly went for $2,000+ for 
> something that wasn't even high end, eventually the prices came down.

That was 1986, and IIRC prices kept going up till maybe 1993. But in
those days, only people with a professional, economic justification
bought such computers. And in those days, they made computers more
robust, because computers had to be kept in service for over 5 years.
And very, VERY few individuals had multiple computers that were still

The sub-$1000 computer spawned entirely new uses for computers, that
would stop being viable if computers went up to $4600.00.

<disclaimer>In 1990 I bought a Gateway 486-25 with 2MB RAM for
$4190.00. I was contract-programmer with several customers, and needed
a computer to efficiently run all the software I developed, all the
programming and documentation programs needed for my work, and
sufficient resources to open my 150 page book in less than a half hour.
My situation was far from typical: The typical person back then had no

> More info about less expensive options:
> https://www.coreboot.org/Board:asus/kgpe-d16
> https://www.coreboot.org/Board:asus/kcma-d8 (board is $250, cpu
> $20-$100)
> https://www.raptorengineering.com/coreboot/kgpe-d16-bmc-port-status.php
> (libre remote management firmware for these two)


Steve Litt 
November 2017 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts
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