I just upgraded devuan from jessie to ascii.  I now have a new kernel.

Now I'm used to, when a new kernel is installed, that the boot process 
is also updated to boot the new kernel.  But this has not happened.

I still hae the same old /boot/grub/grub.cfg, which specified the same 
old kernel and initrd.

Hand-editing this isn;t enough, becuase I also don't have a new initrd 
for the new kernel.

Evidently sometime in the past few years, the option to update the boot 
process when nstalling a new kernel has gone wrong.

What can I do to restore this behaviour>  Or what do I have to do by 
hand after an upgrade to make it work?  Presuambly there's a detailed, 
step-by-step procedure, and also an automated process that does it all 

-- hendrik

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