On 1/2/2018 9:27 AM, Irrwahn wrote:
Mike Tubby wrote on 02.01.2018 10:11:

Over the new year holiday I decided to debootstrap ascii on to our ARM-based 
vehicle router and have it working, which is good, however when installing 
openssh-server I notice that it pulled in libsystemd0:
   libkrb5support0 *libsystemd0* libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6

I'm not sure whether this is expected behavior for a system without systemd or 
This is AIUI perfectly fine, as libsystemd0 is (for the
time being) a kind of stub library that is used in cases
where systemd is not installed. IIRC, the consensus on
this list, after some debate, was that it does no harm
in and of itself, and allowing it in actually takes the
burden of the Devuan developers/maintainers to fork every
single Debian package that has even the ever so slightest
dependency on systemd.

That's what I thought might be the case.

Nonetheless, IMVHO, it should be closely monitored for the
foreseeable future for any indications of non-trivial code
sneaking in there.

Perhaps package libsystemd0 should be a wrapper for another package called libsystemd-compat or libsystemd-shim with any real functionality in the second package built from the ground up so that entanglement into non-trival systemd related code is spotted/avoided ...

TL;DR: On a full-blown Devuan desktop system you probably
cannot easily avoid it, but its (mostly ;o) harmless.

Hmmmm ... 'mostly' harmless ;-)

Best regards,

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