Le 02/01/2018 à 22:42, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp a écrit :
Terminator on ascii is 1.90 and depends on gtk3 - I was not very surprised to 
find it not functional any more. But Terminator from jessie (0.97, gtk2) still 
works on ascii.

Anyway, nothing beats urxvt:-)


    In a fist try, I wasn't able to find urxvt on Ascii, but I got it today, simply searching for rxvt*. Stupid me!

    This terminal emulator is maybe the only one not depending on libvte, not speaking of libcairo, which several others depend on.

    There are several versions available on Ascii: rxvt-unicode, rxvt-unicode-256color, rxvt-unicode-lite. All 3 package are incompatible, but this incompatibility shows up in a bizarre way in Synaptic: when you select one for installation and another one is already installed, you are not prompted with the mesage that this other should be removed; instead the new package or both are marked as broken. I'm not expert in .deb, but there seems to be a mess in package dependencies.


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