On March 10, 2018 6:08:27 PM GMT+03:00, Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 10/03/2018, m712 <comeon@getbackinthe.kitchen> wrote:
>> It's your choice to remove or keep them, and the color of a wallpaper
>> entirely subjective. I think it's arrogant to request Devuan to
>> artwork because you want them removed.
>An 'Ad Hominem'? Bravo! I am a chef and was 'back in the kitchen'
>preparing a broth with too many cooks.
I don't think you have a correct understanding of ad hominem. I did not accuse 
you of being arrogant, I stated my opinion that I believe it is arrogant to 
request a distro-wide removal of artwork just because someone doesn't like 
them. Maybe the use of "you want them removed" was incorrect; I should have 
used "someone wants them removed", and for that I apologize. My opinion still 
stands, though.
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