I'm pretty much convinced this is a troll but all I've got on this Saturday 
evening is time and my wine so.

On March 10, 2018 10:22:46 PM GMT+03:00, Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com> 
>Quote: "I don't think you have a correct understanding of ad hominem."
>Keep what you think to yourself.
You called me out on using an Ad Hominem, and I called you out on using it 
incorrectly. Stop the double standard.
>The tactic is to attack the messenger instead of the message.
You asked artwork to be removed with no reason given, so it's obviously assumed 
to be personal taste. The messenger is attacked because the message depends on 
the messenger.
>I wrote an email to be directed to change the
>default wallpapers for slim and got into a puerile argument with
>people who should know such arguments lead to nowhere but I am was
>wrong in my assuming I was dealing with grown-ups.
Nice ad hominem yourself. Also, the distro should fit you and your personal 
taste? What?
>I will not drink the venom that you posted - keep that to yourself. It
>is always the same puerile attitude: the other party understands
>nothing, knows nothings, remembers nothing, ...
I would say the same about you, to be honest. If you actually read my mail now 
instead of cherry-picking some small thing I wrote and proclaiming "HA! 
Gotcha!", you will know that I'm trying to be constructive here. What you can 
do now is to make the question more open ended and asking people if they want 
change on the default wallpapers. Though, I doubt that it will happen since the 
majority seems to enjoy the current ones.
>Shame on you.
Not even gonna respond to this.
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