On 04/26/2018 06:37 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 06:36:14 +0300
> Lars Noodén <lars.noo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Looking at the task manager in XCFE and top in the shell, the RAM and
>> swap usage eventually start to climb more and more rapidly until >99%
>> of RAM is in use and >99% of swap.  Then the machine locks up, mouse
>> pointer last.
> Well cool, that's a clue. Using top and/or htop, find out who is
> consumnig all that memory. Also find out the #2 ram consumer: Sometimes
> a browser can bog down and run X up to 99%.

I've been watching for a while now and through several reboots.  I can't
see anything in user space that consumes RAM but over time the memory
usage creeps upward.  Some things can make it rise rapidly, such as Qemu
or VLC or Chromium or many others from time to time.  Only Qemu is quite
consistent, but it itself does not show unreasonable memory usage even
while the system is running out of memory.  I haven't seen memory usage
while enabling or disabling a second display, but that often causes a
freeze.  So I suspect something not in user space, and the display makes
me think its the graphics card driver.  However, above and beyond being
an all-around permanoob on most topics, I am especially ignorant about

I suspect that if I could figure out 1) the appropriate drivers, and 2)
how to get them from Debian, that would be the solution.

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