On 04/27/2018 02:23 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
First thing I'd do is test the RAM and the disk. Easy to do, and it
would be  real shame to chase your video driver tail for a month when
it was bad RAM. I'm pretty sure bad RAM can cause almost anything: Why
not rule it out early.

Thanks for that reminder. I had checked the RAM early on but when I did it before I had only checked with single-threaded Memtest86+ So this time I did it properly and also checked the multi-threaded tests. One of them that causes it to lock up every time and I can
t get past test #7.

The driver is a separate problem I'll have to address, but later.

I'll go after that hardware issue first and then check additional options like problematic drivers.

I'd just be careful about reducing focus too early, or the root cause
might escape you for a long, long time.

Too late ;)

I'll look into things now and update the list in some days or weeks.

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