On Sun, 10 Jun 2018 at 14:27:21 +0200
Jaromil <jaro...@dyne.org> wrote:

> ahoy!
> On Sat, 09 Jun 2018, Irrwahn wrote:
>> Veteran Unix Admins wrote on 09.06.2018 07:05:  
>>> Dear Init Freedom Lovers
>>> Once again the Veteran Unix Admins salute you!
>>> We are happy to announce that Devuan GNU+Linux 2.0 ASCII Stable is
>>> finally available.[...]  
>> Omedetō gozaimasu, Devuan ASCII!  
> to the list of thanks Daniel mentions, I'd like to add you as well
> Irrwahn for all the patient help you offered to this release and
> together with your also Andreas Messner. Yours is the merit of
> Devuan's desktop being less and less entangled by DMs/policykit mess.
> this weekend the news of our release made a splash on community fora,
> namely hackernews https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17274623 where
> our effort was always heavily denigrated and mocked, now starts
> emerging some reasonable feedback. And last not least slashdot where
> Bruce Perens declared his endorsement for Devuan 8^D
> https://linux.slashdot.org/story/18/06/10/0321233/systemd-free-devuan-20-ascii-officially-released

  It made #4 in the "Most Discussed" list of topics:

440 Telsa Short-Sellers Lose $1 Billion
412 In the Trump Administration, Science Is Unwelcome. So Is Advice.
382 Should Developers Abandon Agile?
265 Systemd-Free Devuan 2.0 'ASCII' Officially Released
243 The World Isn't Prepared for Retirement

  Just great!


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