Hi Dan,

Am Samstag 02 Juni 2018 schrieb Dan Purgert:

On 05/31/2018 04:42 PM, Stefan Krusche wrote:
> > My older version can't seem to process option "-o FingerprintHash=sha" as 
> > suggested in the posting on superuser.com to get the SHA256 key fingerprint 
> > which is shown on the screen of the installer.
> Minimum version to see the SHA256 checksum of the key is (according to
> the openssh changelog) 6.8/6.8p1 (2015-03-18).  Looks like Jessie is 6.7p1.
> > 
> > Now, I don't know if the RSA key fingerprint of the sshd server of the 
> > installer, which my ssh client shows, is sent that way from the server 
> > (should 
> > be so, right?) or my ssh client is to old and with a newer one it would 
> > show 
> > the SHA256 key fingerprint like on the installer screen. Maybe, the 
> > installer 
> > has to be configured to send SHA256 key fingerprint and it isn't?
> Neither the server nor the client sends (or expects) a key with a
> certain fingerpint hashing scheme -- it's done on the fly (you can see
> this effect with the '-o FingerprintHash=' option of newer clients.

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