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On 2018-07-26 14:32, info at smallinnovations dot nl wrote:
> It would help maintaining packages that depend on systemd too. You
> only would have to add some code to use the libnosystemd instead
> of libsystemd0.

If a libnosystemd package provides libsystemd, then there shouldn't be
any additional code or checks necessary in existing programs. But
both, replicating and changing "the libsystemd API" is wrong.
libsystemd is really badly and monolithically designed. It's main
problem is that it doesn't have an API, it has a lot of different APIs
in a single library! This prevents providing packages with dynamic
libraries replacing only one of the APIs. Therefore, ideally, the
systemd developers should split the libsystemd libraries in smaller
ones providing just one API per library. Something like libjournal for
their logging API for example, instead of munching it together with
everything else in libsystemd0. But I doubt that anyone of the systemd
devs ever had that insight, I would even suspect they put everything
in the same library on purpose, allegedly for simplicity, but in
reality for better lockin.

If a libnosystemd package is made, the different systemd APIs should
be defined, then some library names, and finally it should do nothing
more than forwarding the libsystemd function calls to the individual
libraries for the different APIs if said library exists, and otherwise
either do nothing or return an error depending on what would be worse.
This way, it would be possible for different people to provide various
implementations for different systemd APIs, without requiring them to
implement all of them.

Another problem could arise though, how stable are the systemd APIs? I
once wrote https://git.devuan.org/devuan-packages/sd_journal_shim , it
generates the libjournal library and just provides a subset of
systemds logging functions so it can be used as a shim for those, even
though it can't replace libsystemd. I think it's still in
experimental, even though I'm not sure if it still works, because
thankfully, noone seams to use the systemd journald APIs still, so
noone seams to have had any need for this shim.

Also, I think any such library should make it clear that it's
existents doesn't justify libsystemd usage and discourage developers
from using it.

On 2018-07-26 16:17, Steve Litt wrote:
> <rant> sysvinit and OpenRC typically have init scripts tens or
> hundreds of lines, making init integration of an application seem
> like an arcane art. What are they thinking? IMHO these immense and
> unfathomable init scripts are what opened the door for systemd. 
> </rant>

Those init scripts allow for any kind of scripting language to be
used, and thus also allow for the usage of ones that look like unit
scripts. I made an interpreter that allows yaml for declarative init
scripts that could be used with sysvinit or openrc:

Daniel Abrecht

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