Quoting taii...@gmx.com (taii...@gmx.com):

> Cloudflare is such an incredibly obvious intelligence agency ploy to
> gather data but no one talks about this.
> https://yro.slashdot.org/story/18/08/05/2353249/security-researchers-express-concerns-over-mozillas-new-dns-resolution-for-firefox

Most highly rated comment:

  I run my own local recursive nameservers even on my portable
  devices. Totally not interested in using anyone's resolvers but my own.


1. apt-get install unbound
2. sed -i '1s;^;nameserver\n;' /etc/resolv.conf
3. chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf

Just kidding about step #3.  If using dhclient, place into dhcpd.conf:
option domain-name-servers

Oh, and
4: echo 'Admins are reminded that using your own recursive nameserver'
   echo 'will prevent captive Wifi portals from hijacking your DNS long 
   echo 'enough to send you to a signon Web pages, and also some rare
   echo 'and deliberately misshapen networks block outbound access to
   echo 'user-specified external nameservers, to better control the user.'

Above is IMO elementary self-protection and ought to be routine.  Like,
y'know, offered by the OS installer.  ;->

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