On 08/16/2018 07:10 PM, KatolaZ wrote:
> if the repository belongs to you (i.e., is USERNAME is your nickname),
> then you should:
>   git clone GITURL

Thanks.  That confirms that part.  However, if I then edit a file, the
commit seems to do nothing.

> then make your changes, commit, and push (this should be covered by
> the tutorials you have read).

I get this message when trying to commit: no changes added to commit
That seems to cause the push to say the following after entering the
user name and password: Everything up-to-date

And then no new notifications or changed files are present on the
project git web page.

Same if I try a 'git pull' in my cloned copy of the project.  It just
says: Already up-to-date.  However, since one file has been changed it
should be in conflict with the original copy of the project on

There seems to be some finesse missing.

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