Quoting Arnt Karlsen (a...@iaksess.no):

> ..yeah, and I really asked about RAID0, the top entry in both:
> https://www.prepressure.com/library/technology/raid#raid-0 or:
> https://www.stellarinfo.co.in/blog/advantages-and-disadvantages-popular-raid-systems/
> ..14 year old performance numbers:
> http://unthought.net/Software-RAID.HOWTO/Software-RAID.HOWTO-9.html#ss9.1

Apologies:  I seem to have misparsed what you asked, twice.  Sorry, I
really would have no data on the performance effects of combining RAID0
and swap, mostly because I've not yet been in a situation where I've
wanted to deploy volume spanning.  (Yet, sure, it's great to use for
maximum mass storage performance, so of course there's a legitimate
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