I wrote:

> dyne.org system administrators can investigate this matter, by
> examining the /var/lib/mailman/logs/bounce* log files and 
> corresponding MTA log entries on lists.dyne.org -- to see when and why
> and when the bounce scores for your Dng membership for rpe...@samba.org
> has increased, each time that has happened.

Equally, the samba.org system administrators could examine _their_ 
MTA logs to see if/when mail attempts to rpe...@samba.org have recently
been softfail or hardfail refused, and the reasons cited.  You can and
should ask them to.

The advantage of having the var/lib/mailman/logs/bounce* entries from
the Dyne.org end is to get the timestamps of when the bounce score for
subscriber rpe...@samba.org on Dng was incremented -- to then correlate
with MTA events.

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