Quoting Rowland Penny via Dng (dng@lists.dyne.org):
> It has happened again, my membership to this list has been disabled due to
> excessive bounces. I am fairly sure this isn't true, or I would have
> told by one of the Samba team list moderators.

Sorry, just noticed the underlined bit.  {scratches head}  It's a
mystery to me how and why Samba's _list moderators_ (by which I'm
guessing you mean Samba's listadmins) would even have relevant data,
let alone convey it to you.

Solving these problems, in my experience, requires at minimum
involvement by site sysadmins with access to read MTA logs one one or
both end (mailing list manager = MLM host and your receiving SMTP host), and
preferably also the MLM's logs.  Mailman's logs are by default
world-readable by shell users.  Typically, MTA logs are not.

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