On 2019年1月31日 15:22:57 JST, Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> wrote:
>Quoting Alessandro Selli (alessandrose...@linux.com):
>> Might interest someone:
>> https://lwn.net/Articles/777595/
>>  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
>> Tragedy, according to Wikipedia, is "a form of drama based on human
>> suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in
>> audiences". Benno Rice took his inspiration from that definition for
>> 2019 linux.conf.au talk on the story of systemd which, he said,
>> no shortage of suffering. His attempt to cast that story for the
>> pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look
>at a
>> turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.
>As I'm (like you) an LWN.net subscriber, I can furnish a 'subscriber
>link' for the benefit of Dng readers.  Enjoy.
>Cheers,              "I am a member of a civilization (IAAMOAC).  Step
>Rick Moen            from anger.  Study how awful our ancestors had it,
>r...@linuxmafia.com  they struggled to get you here.  Repay them by
>McQ! (4x80)          the civilization you inherited."           --
>David Brin
>Dng mailing list

Thanks a lot Rick!
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