On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 10:54:34PM +0100, KatolaZ wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 04:54:02PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 10:40:02AM +0100, KatolaZ wrote:
> > > Then, you won't have any
> > > "desktop integration" which seems to be a "must" for many users today,
> > > but I can assure that life goes on either way.
> > 
> > What *is* that "desktop integration" that those users want?
> > 
> Ask them. Ask those who complained for months before ascii got to beta
> stage because they could not click on a button and suspend their
> laptop, since their DE did not supported consolekit. Ask those whose
> laptop suspended but then did not resume properly, and had screen
> brightness all off because their session was not properly
> maintained. Ask those who *absolutely* *needed* usb sticks to be
> immediately automounted irrespective whatever DE they were using, and
> wanted the icon on the panel as soon as the drive was up. Ask those
> who said it was outragious that synaptic did not start straight from
> the menu, since policykit was not working. Ask those who complain
> because a widget is misplaced in the bottom panel of a LXDE, those who
> insist that Devuan is "rough over the edges" because the border of the
> windows in the default theme is too thin, or to those who are
> disconcerted because one of their preferred widgets has suddenly
> disappeared.
> I am not saying these are not valid complaints, quite the opposite. I
> am just saying that I accepted years ago that the way I use Linux is
> not the same other users use it, and I have to keep this in mind if I
> want to contribute to Devuan.

I get it.  They want everything to be easily accessed via mouse with 
helpfull instruction in the moment all the way.  And that includes 
adjusting how their system works.

The closest I've seen anything come to that is the configurator for the 
Linux kernel when you compile your own.

But I wouldn't dream of asking them to compile their own kernels.
-- hendrik
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