il devuanizzato Dimitris via Dng <> il 26-02-20 14:07:14 ha 
On 2/25/20 10:07 PM, viverna wrote:
LXDE is ancestor of LXQt. However is a wonderful DE mostly with openbox
combination. Openbox is great even alone.

MATE with Openbox is a lighter possibility too..
Yes, MATE is a good DE (fork of Gnome 2 before Gnome 3 madness). Time ago Gnome 2 has been my first choice DE...
kinda of think of those as systemd-like DEs, bloated to the bone.).
Kde3 and Gnome2 are best version of the corresponding DE. Gnome3 are very very insane and "phone-centric". Kde4 is too big.

However some KDE apps are very good. I use it often.

LXDE is not abandoned, but it's missing stuff that you have to get from
other DEs (=download extra libs, packages..), same as LXQT which is very interesting..
LXDE is perfect for me. This is my opinion.

Trinity was very buggy last 2 times i tried it, completely unusable for
me.. (even though my first ever DE was kde3 and i wanted it to work for old times sake... :D )
I don't try Trinity, there is in Devuan repo?

< Viverna >
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