On Saturday 18 December 2021 at 16:32:48, Didier Kryn wrote:

> Le 18/12/2021 à 14:55, Antony Stone a écrit :
> > 
> > So, you did "aptitude why libpulse0" and it said
> > "xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin".
> > 
> > However, was that:
> >     "xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin Depends libpulse0" or
> >     "xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin Recommends libpulse0" or
> >     "xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin Suggests libpulse0" ?
>     depends.


>     This is obvious.

It wasn't to me.

>     the plugin needs at least to determine if PA is installed. libpulse0
> plays the same role as libsystemd0...

Okay, but I wanted a clear answer to the question.  I never feel comfortable 
making assumptions about partial information when I'm dealing with someone 
else's system :)

> > Do you get the same list of packages from "aptitude purge libpulse0"?
>     Here it is: to preserve the dependent packages, aptitude recommends
> to not do the requested action!

> (sda5)root@apcnb98:~# aptitude purge libpulse0
> The following packages will be REMOVED: 
>   libasyncns0{u} libpulse0{p}

> The following packages have unmet dependencies:


> The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
>      Keep the following packages at their current version:
> 1)     libasyncns0 [0.8-6+b2 (now, stable)]              
> 2)     libpulse0 [14.2-2 (now, stable)]
> Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?]

Here, again, I would "follow the path" and reply "N" to find out what the next 
possible resolution of the situation might be.  Somewhere down the list you 
might find what you're looking for.

However, I think Florian's suggestion is a far better avenue to pursue to 
start with.


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the telephone before the toilet.

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