Hi Steve,

Steve Litt writes:

> Olaf Meeuwissen via Dng said on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 18:49:59 +0900
>> [stuff about trying to get rid of *pulse packages on an Xfce4 system]
> About the only positive thing I can say about xfce is it's better than
> Gnome, KDE and the now defunct Unity. Except compared to those, it's
> not particularly lightweight, and my experience is it's been quirky on
> Linux (but not OpenBSD) for the past decade, at least. There are so
> many great WMDEs (Window Manager/Desktop Environment) that it's a shame
> to use xfce.

So shame on me then.  You are entitled to your opinion, so is everyone
else.  I used to use Gnome, noticed it started to bloat, changed to KDE,
noticed that started to bloat too and switched to Xfce.  That was over
a decade ago (maybe 15 years or so?) and I haven't really had an issues
with Xfce on Debian first and Devuan later.

# Before Gnome I used something else but don't remember what.  Must have
# been one of the X11 window managers with a hand crafted .xsessionrc or
# .xinitrc.  Whatever worked way back then.

> [Openbox and LXDE plug snipped]
> Other outstanding WMDEs include fvwm, IceWM, Windowmaker, jwm, i9, and
> a host of others. From my perspective, there's absolutely no reason to
> use xfce.

Haven't heard of i9, can't find any info about it either.  You sure you
don't mean i3?

Actually, I am looking at ditching Xfce4.  Too much stuff I don't use
anyway.  After looking at the boatload of window manager packages that
come with Devuan, I am now experimenting with i3-wm on two machines (one
at the office, one at home) but my mainstay is still Xfce4.

Still haven't made up my mind about a command-line terminal.  Have been
using guake for a long time, looked at tilda for a bit but for the time
being use rxvt-unicode on my i3-wm systems.  Note, support for Japanese
is a must for me, output as well as input, not just on the command-line
but the "desktop" in general.

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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