On 4/22/22 09:32, k...@aspodata.se wrote:
I need to work with a nonstandard serial three button mouse without
scroll wheel. It needs a baud rate specification and gpm has an
option for this.
  I know that gpm works with this mouse.

Since gpm works with the mouse I wouldn't say it is a "non-standard"
one. What mouse protocol does the mouse speak ?

The mouse is a Sun three button mouse without the scroll wheel. I frequently use a program that makes extensive use of the middle button and the pc mouse scroll wheel is hateful.

As I said in an earlier post there is an article on using a (different) Sun mouse on Linux. The protocol used was msc. From looking at the output with an oscilloscope that protocol does appear close if not correct.

Common protocols are mouseman and msmouse.
You can see what protocols are supported by gpm by doing:

  gpm -m /dev/null -t help

Unfortunately you have to do that as root, it doesn't matter what
you write as the device, it can be any string.

You can also find out about mouse protocols with

  man mouse

Examples of mouse protocols:


Example mouse code (if you want to build a mouse yourself):


What program is used as mouse driver on Beowulf and Chimaera?

In a text mode terminal you can use gpm or something similar.

In wayland, I don't know, it seems libinput is used by wayland.

In X11 you could use the mouse driver:


You have to configure the mouse driver yourself, udev is of no help
for a serial mouse. You can have multiple serial mice connected and
used. Example xorg.conf extracts:

Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
         Driver          "mouse"
         Option          "CorePointer"
         Option          "Device"                "/dev/ttyS4"
         Option          "Protocol"              "MouseMan"

Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier      "Configured MSMouse"
         Driver          "mouse"
         Option          "SendCoreEvents"
         Option          "Device"                "/dev/ttyS5"
         Option          "Protocol"              "Microsoft"

  Todays usb mice can use:

Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier      "Generic Mouse"
         Driver          "mouse"
         Option          "SendCoreEvents"        "true"
         Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"
         Option          "Protocol"              "auto"
         Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"

It has apperantly been removed in favour of libinput upstream:


/Karl Hammar

Dng mailing list

As I said in an earlier post I haven't been able to get gpm to do anything with the pointer. I haven't been able to find xorg.conf yet. I will try an entry there.

Best regards,
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