> On 25 Nov 2019, at 22:19, Florian Weimer <f...@deneb.enyo.de> wrote:
>> What do you consider to be a lot of queries? The root server system
>> collectively handles 500K-1M queries per second. That seems rather a
>> lot to me. YMMV.
> But globally?  For the entire planet?

Yes. If you consider a well-behaved recursive resolver would only query the 
root a few times a day (probably < 10), a query load of 0.5-1M/second seems on 
the high side, even for the whole planet.

> The data could have monetary value.

Could. But nobody's selling those data. And that's probably illegal anyway 
thanks to GDPR.

> Passwords that are otherwise difficult to come by might be leaking.

Good luck finding those in amongst the terabytes of dross that hits the root 
every day.

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