On Mon, Jan 05, 2015 at 05:33:48PM +0000, Jim Reid wrote:

Dear All

> One sticking point appears to be the "A co-chair cannot serve more than 2 
> consecutive terms." provision in [2]. Someone commented at the mike at RIPE69 
> that this was a good thing. One of your co-chairs says the opposite. Everyone 
> else has not commented one way or the other. Result: stalemate.


> #
> #       $Id: appointment,v 1.6 2014/10/06 11:46:56 jim Exp $
> #


I support the proposal and at the same time I agree with Nick that some
language clarification about re-election after break period should be


gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski
E-mail: piotr.strzyzew...@polsl.pl

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