From: Jan 'RedBully' Seiffert <>
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 17:10:49 +0200

> Adam Hardy wrote:
> > Hi DNSmasq List
> > 
> > I have a small network with a slightly different setup for the internet
> > broadband from usual. I'm having problems working out how to set up a
> > DHCP service with dnsmasq to provide workstations with permanent host
> > names.

> Thats IMHO a typical setup, i also just use a dsl modem and a full-blown
> linux box as router, because the config capabilities of those
> router-in-a-box won't cut my needs (multihomed router, fancy traffic
> shaping, some servers, etc.).

Funny, my router-in-a-box does all that ;-)

> Second, to assign some hosts a permanent IP-address, even if recieved by
> dhcp, you need some dchp-host lines
> dhcp-host=mac-address,name,ip,leasetime
> ex:
> dhcp-host=01:23:45:67:89:AB,gondor,,infinite

I use and recommend a much simpler way :

dhcp-host=nitro, # actual config I use

Adam, I use dnsmasq exactly for the same purpose as you want.
And works nice. I recoomed you use a Windows client for testing, as
it work for sure. Then when you fix the server, you can try linux clients.

It would be good to know you dnsmasq.conf file and other relevant configuration 
you did.


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