xerces8 on 11/09/07 08:42, wrote:
Adam Hardy <adam....@cyberspaceroad.com> wrote :
PS here are the files for reference if they help:

isengard:~# cat /etc/hosts       localhost     isengard.localdomain.net isengard

1.) .net is an official TLD. Do not make up nonregistered names in it.
Use names that were created for this purpose. See RFC 2606, quoting :

To safely satisfy these needs, four domain names are reserved as
   listed and described below.


That is surprising. I chose 'localdomain.net' thinking it would somehow or other something I was meant to do.

I now just have 'localdomain' as my domain name, and it works happily.

Does this mean I don't actually need a TLD part at all?

Again, I recommend using a Windows client for tests, because :
 - it works
 - it is simple
When it works, you can go and set up the other clients.

I will be testing with windows when I try getting samba up and running. Hopefully it will work and be simple then too!


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