In all likelihood, I have a dnsmasq misconfiguration. So before I go flying
off the handle (again) for Windows being a pain in my ass, I thought I'd
have my dnsmasq config checked out. So what I have is a few computers
around my house that have static IP addresses. Since I'd like to access
them via host name and not IP, I have DNS running on my network, with these
hosts and their IPs added. Here is the relevant piece of dnsmasq.conf.

# Add domains which you want to force to an IP address here.
# The example below send any host in to a local
# web-server.

I must admit, I wasn't entirely certain that this is where I should be
putting my DNS entries. But it was either here or in my /etc/hosts file.
The /etc/hosts solution tends to work for Windows clients, but has never
worked for Linux clients. When I started using this piece of dnsmasq, Linux
and Windows alike enjoyed flawless name resolution.

Until recently. Helios was the troublemaker in the beginning. And initially
it was only Windows 7 boxen that couldn't resolve it. Then the plague moved
to my XP boxen. Linux boxen can still ping Helios without complaint. I have
tried changing IP addresses and host names to no avail. I initially thought
that perhaps it was some kind of oddity with the OS that Helios runs,
ProxMox, a Debian based distro.

But no, the plague has now spread to other host names. My Windows 7 box can
no longer ping my server, Guybrush (Ubuntu Server 11.04), who has been
around for ages. (Actually, Guybrush runs on a VM on the Windows 7 box.) I
haven't checked from the other Windows 7 boxes yet, but I wouldn't be
surprised if Guybrush wasn't resolving on them either.

BUT! That is drama for the Windows folks. This is a dnsmasq question. So
tell me, am I adding hosts to the wrong spot in dnsmasq.conf? If I am, why
would it work for so long, but then suddenly stop?

Also props to the work on dnsmasq. Despite the issues I'm having at the
moment, this is still by far easier than other DNS software I've tried to

Michael Bellerue
Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

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