On 11/29/2012 02:56 PM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
On 11/29/2012 02:08 PM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
On 11/29/2012 11:28 AM, Simon Kelley wrote:
On 29/11/12 16:06, Gene Czarcinski wrote:

Something is definitely not working correctly.  I do not know if you
have a qemu/kvm setup so duplicating the conditions that way will not work.

Attached is a piece of syslog (before I patched things to suppress the
messages).  BTW, I also have no idea why anything is being done with
"p33p1" ... that is the real NIC on that system.  I have also attached
the dnsmasq conf file for that interface.

I am willing to try any testing.  Unless I can get things to work as
they are suppose to, user reception of using dnsmasq to handle RA will
get support somewhere between zero and none :-)
Another theory: a netlink NEWADDR event (ie assigning an address to a
network interface) triggers the one minute of rapid advertisements.
Maybe something on your system is doing that regularly?

Can you try adding a logging line next to the call to
ra_start_unsolicited() in nl_async() in netlink.c, to see how often that
gets called?

OK, rebuilt dnsmasq with the patch to limit RTR-ADVERT out and a patch added to issue a syslog message when ra_start_unsolicted is done. It is installed on two systems which also run virtualization. They are both fairly new AMD-cpu systems and I have not had any problems with clocks. One virtual network started on each and no other dnsmasq instances.

I do wonder if this rapid issuing also takes place with radvd but has never been noticed because it does not issue log messages.

BTW, on a system which does not have virtualization installed (because it cannot run it) but does have dnsmasq doing its thing including DHCPv6, there are RTR-ADVERT messages about every eight minutes per interface.

Have you ever felt really sick on a Friday but decided to wait until Monday to see a Doctor and then, On Monday, when you see the Doctor neither he nor you can find anything wrong.

Well, I am not sure what was happening when I was getting all of those RTR-ADVERT messages but they appear to be "normal" now.

1. Only a few ra-unsolicited occurred.

2. Although they start out frequent it settles down to about once every none to ten minutes.

3. Starting another virtual network get the first one to get frequent again but, after a while, they both settle down to about nine minutes.

4. I have not noticed any stuff with the real (p33p1) NIC.


1. During the last month or so there have been some system updates including the kernel.

2. Also over the last month or two I have been running "leading edge" development versions of libvirt and NetworkManager.

Right now all I can do is let it run and keep an eye on it.

I spoke too quickly.

The cause of the problem is libvirt related but I am not sure what just yet.

I was running a libvirt that had a lot of "stuff" on it but seemed to work OK. Then, earlier today I update to a point that appears to be somewhat beyond the leading edge and, although I was not getting any RTR-ADVERT messages, it turned out that there were/are big-time problems running qemu-kvm. So, back off/downgrade to the previous version. Qemu-kvm now works but the RTR-ADVERT messages are back.

This may be a bit time-consuming to debug!


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