On 11/30/2012 05:23 PM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
On 11/30/2012 04:18 PM, Simon Kelley wrote:
On 30/11/12 21:03, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
On 11/30/2012 12:45 PM, Simon Kelley wrote:
On 30/11/12 17:20, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
On 11/30/2012 11:32 AM, Simon Kelley wrote:
On 30/11/12 15:54, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
On 11/29/2012 04:18 PM, Simon Kelley wrote:
On 29/11/12 20:31, Gene Czarcinski wrote:

I spoke too quickly.

The cause of the problem is libvirt related but I am not sure what

I was running a libvirt that had a lot of "stuff" on it but
seemed to
work OK. Then, earlier today I update to a point that appears to be somewhat beyond the leading edge and, although I was not getting any
RTR-ADVERT messages, it turned out that there were/are big-time
running qemu-kvm. So, back off/downgrade to the previous version.
Qemu-kvm now works but the RTR-ADVERT messages are back.

This may be a bit time-consuming to debug!

Are you seeing the new log message in netlink.c?

The good news is that libvirt is working again (I must have done a
git-pull in the middle of an update). Thus, I am not seeing the large
numbers of RTR-ADVERT.

Yes, I am seeing the new log message and I have a question about that.
Every time a new virtual network interface is started, something
must be
doing some type of broadcast because all of the dnsmasq instances (the new one and all the "old" ones) suddenly wake up and issue a flurry of RA packets and related syslog messages. To kick the flurry off, there
one of the new "unsolicited" syslog messages from each dnsmasq

Is this something you would expect?  Is this "normal?" The libvirt
folks they are not doing it.
I'd expect it. The code you instrumented gets run whenever a "new
address" event happens, which is whenever an address is added to an
interface. "Every time a new virtual network interface is started" is a
good proxy for that.

The dnsmasq code isn't very discriminating, it updates it's idea of
which interfaces hace which addresses, and then does a minute of fast advertisements on all of them. It might be possible to only do the fast advertisements on new interfaces, but implementing that isn't totally

Yes, I doubt very much if it would be trivial.  However, I do not
believe that this is the basic problem.

When the problem occurs, one of the networks "suddenly" attempts to work
with the real NIC rather than the virtual one defined in its config
file. I slightly changed the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses defined for this network and the problem went away. I have also "just" seen the problem
happen on another system which also had that virtual address defined.

BTW, these configurations all use interface= and bind-dynamic rather
than the "old" bind-interface with listen-address= specified for each
specified IPv4 and IPv6 address.  I had not noticed the problem
previously.  Why it occurs at all with just this specific address is

The configuration in which causes problems is:
# dnsmasq conf file created by libvirt

When I changed all the "6" to "160", the problem, disappeared. And
there is another network defined almost the same with "8" instead of "6"
and I have had no problems with it.

The real NIC is configured as a DHCP client for both IPv4 and IPv6. It
is assigned "nailed" addresses of and

And I just discovered why crazy stuff is happening (but I do not know
what causes it) ... the P33p1 NIC has:
   inet6 fd00:beef:10:6:3285:a9ff:fe8f:e982/64 scope global dynamic

Is that the "real NIC"?

Yes, p33p1 is the real NIC.  This is going to be a real PITA to debug
because I believe part of the problem is a race condition.
NetworkManager has this really long dance it goes through to bring up
the IPv6 interface.

But, I do not have any proof of that and as I just proved to myself,
getting things to repeat are going to be difficult.

At this point I am not sure that bind-dynamic was related.  I went
through the syslogs I still have and the first occurrence was on  8
November.  That is well before bind-dynamic was integrated in.

Attached are some limited copies of syslogs that I thought you might
find of interest.  It seems like the "strangeness" seem to happen right
after I update libvirt and libvirtd is restarted which then gets dnsmasq

If I cannot get this figured out and "fixed", I will need to disable use
of dnsmasq for RA service and fall back on radvd.

Frustrating .. so close and yet so far!

I wonder if the virbr* interfaces are bridged to the "real" NICs, such that when a prefix is advertised on the virbr interface, it causes the real interface to add an address for that prefix. Because dnsmasq is configured to advertise the prefix, that then causes the advertisements via the real NIC.

Just a thought.

If I had not done the ip addr to get the above, I would still be scratching my head.

Anyway, here is ip addr:
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: p33p1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 30:85:a9:8f:e9:82 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global p33p1
    inet6 fd00:dead:beef:17:1::2/128 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::3285:a9ff:fe8f:e982/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
10: virbr11: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN
    link/ether 52:54:00:0b:84:5c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global virbr11
    inet6 fd00:beef:10:6::1/64 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fe0b:845c/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
11: virbr11-nic: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master virbr11 state DOWN qlen 500
    link/ether 52:54:00:0b:84:5c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

And here is brctl show:
bridge name    bridge id        STP enabled    interfaces
virbr11        8000.5254000b845c    yes        virbr11-nic

I think I will give it a rest until tomorrow!

I ran yet another test and this time it happened. I am getting a little more info such as: Dec 1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=60, type=14, flags=0, pid=5b5e

where most look like:
Dec 1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0

1. Is there other information I can/should print out?

2. Is there anything I can do to identify why dnsmasq is "suddenly" using interface p33p1 when it was specifically configured to use interface virbr11? I thought that this bind-interface and bind-dynamic were support to lock that dnsmasq instance into only servicing the specified interface.

Previously, libvirt's parameters to dnsmasq were bind-interface, listen-address=. This is now replaced with bind-dynamic, interface= to fix a serious problem. So, my question is whether the "correct" configuration should be bind-interface, interface= ?

The object is that no matter haw it is specified, the goal is that dnsmasq ONLY service the networks defined on a specific interface and to ignore anything from other interfaces whether that have the same network defined or not.

Question, what do you think would happen if there were to different processes on two different hardware platforms which share a common hardware-network fabric were to run stateful RA on one system and stateless RA on the other system? Could that be happening here and, if so, why?

Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: libvirt version: 1.0.0, package: 1gc2.fc17.gc2.25 (Gene Czarcinski <g...@czarc.net>, 2012-11-27-15:00:55, condor)
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: starting netlink event service with protocol 0
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: starting netlink event service with protocol 15
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: dnsmasq version is 2.64, --bind-dynamic is present
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Reloading iptables rules
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Refreshing network daemons
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.205455] device virbr11-nic entered promiscuous mode
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: firewall-cmd not found on system. firewalld support disabled for iptables.
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dbus-daemon[980]: dbus[980]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.PackageKit' (using servicehelper)
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dbus[980]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.PackageKit' (using servicehelper)
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dbus-daemon[980]: dbus[980]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.PackageKit'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dbus[980]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.PackageKit'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon avahi-daemon[939]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface virbr11.IPv4 with address
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon avahi-daemon[939]: New relevant interface virbr11.IPv4 for mDNS.
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon avahi-daemon[939]: Registering new address record for on virbr11.IPv4.
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.308143] virbr11: topology change detected, propagating
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.308147] virbr11: port 1(virbr11-nic) entered forwarding state
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.308160] virbr11: port 1(virbr11-nic) entered forwarding state
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: started, version 2.64rc1 cachesize 150
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: IPv6 router advertisement enabled
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: SLAAC on fd00:beef:10:6:: prefix valid 2h
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using local addresses only for domain net6
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using nameserver fd00:dead:beef:17::1#53
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.325554] virbr11: port 1(virbr11-nic) entered disabled state
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using nameserver fe80::2a0:ccff:fea2:fd8#53
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using nameserver
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using local addresses only for domain net6
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: read /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/net6.addnhosts - 0 addresses
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: read /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/net6.hostsfile
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Starting up network 'net6'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.375237] device virbr15-nic entered promiscuous mode
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=60, type=14, flags=0, pid=5b5e
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon avahi-daemon[939]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface virbr15.IPv4 with address
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon avahi-daemon[939]: New relevant interface virbr15.IPv4 for mDNS.
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon avahi-daemon[939]: Registering new address record for on virbr15.IPv4.
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.474854] virbr15: topology change detected, propagating
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.474858] virbr15: port 1(virbr15-nic) entered forwarding state
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.474870] virbr15: port 1(virbr15-nic) entered forwarding state
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: started, version 2.64rc1 cachesize 150
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: IPv6 router advertisement enabled
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: SLAAC on fd00:beef:10:8:: prefix valid 2h
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: using local addresses only for domain net8
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: using nameserver fd00:dead:beef:17::1#53
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: using nameserver fe80::2a0:ccff:fea2:fd8#53
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: using nameserver
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon kernel: [53521.486805] virbr15: port 1(virbr15-nic) entered disabled state
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: using local addresses only for domain net8
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: read /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/net8.addnhosts - 0 addresses
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: read /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/net8.hostsfile
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Starting up network 'net8'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Skipping special dir '..'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Skipping special dir '.'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: cannot initialize libxenlight context, probably not running in a Xen Dom0, disabling driver
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Configured cgroup controller 'cpu'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Configured cgroup controller 'cpuacct'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Configured cgroup controller 'cpuset'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Configured cgroup controller 'memory'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Configured cgroup controller 'devices'
Dec  1 05:52:36 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Configured cgroup controller 'blkio'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for configs in /var/run/libvirt/qemu
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for configs in /etc/libvirt/qemu
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'f17tester.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'pluto.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'user26.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'test4.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'mininal.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'user25.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'dhcpd6.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'Nessus.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'test2.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'user27.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'f18test.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'charon.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'relay2.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'relay.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'user28.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'centos.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'test3.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'test1.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Loading config file 'f17relay.xml'
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain user27 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/user27
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain user26 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/user26
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain f17tester in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/f17tester
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain pluto in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/pluto
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain test2 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/test2
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain user25 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/user25
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain relay in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/relay
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain mininal in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/mininal
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain Nessus in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/Nessus
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain f17relay in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/f17relay
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain charon in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/charon
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain dhcpd6 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/dhcpd6
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain relay2 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/relay2
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain f18test in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/f18test
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain test4 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/test4
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain centos in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/centos
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain test3 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/test3
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain user28 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/user28
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for snapshots for domain test1 in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/test1
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: lxcSecurityInit (null)
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for configs in /var/run/libvirt/lxc
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for configs in /etc/libvirt/lxc
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Adding inotify watch on /var/run/libvirt/uml-guest
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon libvirtd[23278]: Scanning for configs in /etc/libvirt/uml
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: RTR-ADVERT(virbr11) fd00:beef:10:6::
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon avahi-daemon[939]: Registering new address record for fd00:beef:10:6::1 on virbr11.*.
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: RTR-ADVERT(p33p1) fd00:beef:10:6::
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon avahi-daemon[939]: Registering new address record for fd00:beef:10:8::1 on virbr15.*.
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: RTR-ADVERT(p33p1) fd00:beef:10:6::
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:37 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:38 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:38 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:39 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: RTR-ADVERT(p33p1) fd00:beef:10:6::
Dec  1 05:52:39 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:39 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:39 falcon avahi-daemon[939]: Registering new address record for fd00:beef:10:6:3285:a9ff:fe8f:e982 on p33p1.*.
Dec  1 05:52:39 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: RTR-ADVERT(virbr15) fd00:beef:10:8::
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using nameserver fd00:dead:beef:17::1#53
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using nameserver fe80::2a0:ccff:fea2:fd8#53
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: ignoring nameserver fe80::5054:ff:fe0b:845c - local interface
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using nameserver fe80::3285:a9ff:fe8f:e982#53
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using nameserver
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23358]: using local addresses only for domain net6
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: RTR-ADVERT(p33p1) fd00:beef:10:6::
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23394]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq-dhcp[23358]: ra_start_unsolicted(), len=64, type=14, flags=0, pid=0
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: using nameserver fd00:dead:beef:17::1#53
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: using nameserver fe80::2a0:ccff:fea2:fd8#53
Dec  1 05:52:42 falcon dnsmasq[23394]: using nameserver fe80::5054:ff:fe0b:845c#53

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