on 6/29/2013 5:45 PM, wrote:
I upgraded the OS on my gateway machine which runs dnsmasq serving dhcp
and dns to the lan, and now the machines on my lan can't get an ip

With ubuntu, I run dnsmasq in a stand-alone mode, in contrast to the
ubuntu 'way' where the default installation installs dnsmasq and sets it
up for optimal desktop networking - which doesn't work well for a gateway

My lan is on eth1, my modem is on eth0. Eth1 is assigned by
/etc/network/interfaces, and this is what dnsmasq is configured to run on.

I hope you can give me a hint where to look next because as far as I am
aware, the only thing that changed was the ubuntu upgrade and I'm not
getting any help from the forum there, and my investigations with my
limited experience has run into the sand.[SNIP]

OK problem solved, it was just my network hub that had on the blink and as it was buried under a mound of cables, I hadn't seen the blinking red light - strange co-incidence that it happened exactly as I did the ubuntu upgrade.

Anyway, a question that arises from my investigations:

I installed dhcping and running this command on the server with dnsmasq on produces the response "no answer" - surely I probe the DHCP service from the same machine like that?

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