On 05/14/2015 10:20 AM, Maciej Soltysiak wrote:
Hi Terry,

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Terry Carmen <te...@bupkis.org <mailto:te...@bupkis.org>> wrote:

    I'm running dnsmasq with a large hosts file that contains entries
    like: 001.adsenser.cn <http://001.adsenser.cn>

    Is there a way to get dnsmasq to return NXDOMAIN instead of for these entries?

Absolutely! I also believe that is a far better solution to return NXDOMAIN.

Simon responded to a similar question of mine a while ago [1]

Basically you add:
server=/double-click.net/ <http://double-click.net/>

You can have multiple domains in one line, remember to end with a /
server=/double-click.net/other.evil.domain/ <http://double-click.net/other.evil.domain/>

Remember to remove the entries from hosts afterwards.
Also, I'm not sure if this is a limitation in dnsmasq or somewhere else, but I had a situation where a 'server' line was too long and I had to split it up. I don't have that many domains I filter out. Mostly biggest trackers and place my SmartTV calls.

[1] http://lists.thekelleys.org.uk/pipermail/dnsmasq-discuss/2013q3/007512.html

Thanks for the quick response!

I saw your original message, but it seems to be targeted for a config file in /etc/dnsmasq.d/, not a hosts file.

Right now my list format is in "hosts" file format of " www.baddomain.com"

I could reformat the file, but was wondering if there was something I could substitute for the so dnsmasq would return NXDOMAIN?



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