On 01/01/16 20:27, Simon Kelley wrote:
> On 01/01/16 11:28, Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> So this is a pretty vague report of something lurking in very recent code.#
> It's pretty good really. I stared at the ARP-caching code and found a
> fault in the linked list code that could introduce a cycle and create
> exactly the symptoms you're seeing.
> Git HEAD or 2.76test2 should do it. Please could you try it?
It's compiling as I type - will report back :-)
> And many thanks for testing my new code!
Well if we all played it safe and avoided the bleeding edge stuff
nothing would get spotted & fixed would it :-)  Someone has to try and
I'd hardly regard my home router as life critical (although my niece
would have a different opinion on that if she were visiting)



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