Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:

> will use the same address on every network). So I would expect more and
> more clients to adopt the privacy-preserving approach. I believe
> NetworkManager has support for it on Linux, but am not sure if it's
> enabled by default.
New installations of Debian and Ubuntu enable it by default.

>>> A way to get naming is to use ohybridproxy:
>> Thanks for the information, but I have managed to compile ohybridproxy
> Haven't had time to play with it myself yet, so can't be of much help

ohybridproxy won't help:
It is limited to mDNS/avahi.
Windows does not support mDNS/avahi.

It  would  help  though  if  DNSMasq  contained  a combined mDNS/LLMNR

If  one  compiles avahi with an LLMNR patch, it can resolve hosts that
do mDNS and hosts that do LLMNR:

root@linux ~ # avahi-resolve -6n windows.local
windows.local   fe80::96de:80ff:fe12:3456

It  should be possible to add the LLMNR-patched resolver part of avahi
to DNSMasq.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Ziggy SpaceRat

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