Just tried a simple test, and didn't see the same behaviour.

Use log-queries to check that the process is really failing in dnsmasq,
ie the problem is not REFUSED answers from upstream. A REFUSED answer
from dnsmasq only occurs if either there are no possible upstream server
to forward to, or if attempts to send UDP packets to all upstream
servers fail immediately, at kernel level. You're not accidentally
blocking packets from you special port, are you?



On 06/04/18 21:08, Fred Douglas wrote:
> I would like dnsmasq to stick to a single source port for its requests,
> so that I can differentiate them from other DNS requests going out the
> same interface.
> The query-port option works as advertised when set to 0 (i.e. picks a
> single random port and sticks to it). Any other value, however - below
> 1024, a little above 1024, way up in the 50000s - causes dnsmasq to
> respond to all queries with a "REFUSED" (DNS error code 5).
> My dnsmasq.conf is empty other than query-port, and I haven't made any
> other weird changes to the system that should be relevant. This is
> Debian's current [2.76+whatever security patches] version of dnsmasq.
> Does anyone else get this behavior?
> Fred
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