Hi all,

first of all, thank you for the grade software !!!
But I have a small questions regarding "dnsmasq" and DHCP requests.

We have running different, isolated test-landscapes. In each network a VM is running with dnsmasq, which do the DHCP/DNS task. Some of the VM's in the landscape needs to have a "static" DHCP-IP, because a Firewall in front of the landscape routes traffic to the VM's (Rules are IP based)

So far so good.

Sometimes, when VM's (with the static DHCP-IP) has some problems and crash's and can not "release" there DHCP-IP, we need to re-deploy the same VM from our pool. But, when the re-deployement process is starting, that new VM will have a different MAC Address per default. The Hostname is the same as before the old one had.

Now, the problem is begin, because dnsmasq have already a valid DHCP lease for the old (destroyed) VM and the new, re-deployed VM will get a different IP as expect.

I see in the dnsmasq logfile the following message:

not using configured address because it is leased to 00:50:56:85:02:ff

The traffic from the firewall in front of, can reach the new VM (because the new VM does not have the correct expected IP).

In the past I use the tool "dhcp_release" to fix the issue, but now I ask is there an other way to fix this problem.

I there an option, that dnsmasq ignore the Client MAC address for "static" DHCP leases?

As far as I see, dnsmasq use a combination of "Hostname" and "MAC" for the DHCP leases.

I hope I could describe my problem understandable ;-)

Many Thanks

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