On Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 04:01:13PM -0400, Art Greenberg wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 27, 2019, at 15:45, Andrew Miskell wrote:
> > What do the devices say their DNS server is? If it???s the .1 address 
> > this would expected behavior because that???s the dnsmasq dns address. 
> I cannot tell what the Roku streamers have assigned. The UI doesn't expose 
> that information.

Report that annoying inconvenience at https://support.roku.com/en-gb/

> In the previous configuration, with dnsmasq on and
> the gateway on .1, they DID properly go directly to the router on as
> directed by dhcp-option while everything else on the network went to .11
> as expected. So either they defaulted to the gateway address for DNS or
> they accepted the assignment from DHCP. They do ask for option 6, I can
> see the DHCP request and response in the log. That much looks correct.
> In this configuration, I've told them to use Google servers.
> I don't know enough about how DNS works, but ... maybe they have
> accepted that assignment, but the first DNS server in the request chain
> is dnsmasq - and it answers rather than relays the request to Google's
> servers because dnsmasq "knows" the answer - its in the addn-hosts file.
> Does that make sense?

No, something is misbehaving.
It is plain wrong to "explain" broken behaviour.

Right now we don't know which device has a "special" feature.
We do need to dig deeper. Networksniff the DNS traffic
of the Roku streamer for starters.

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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