On 12-12-2019 04:52, Old account wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an RT-N56U (I'm using a Padavan firmware for some context)
> router with an isolated guest wifi setup for my IOT devices. This
> guest network is both AP clients and LAN isolated, which I confirmed
> to be true. I have the DNS set to pihole for my entire
> network, but I'd like any clients that are connected to the guest wifi
> to use since it's not possible for any of the guest clients to
> communicate with the pihole.
> I've been able to do this by manually tagging all of my iot devices
> one by one with:
> dhcp-host=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX,set:dnsoverride
> dhcp-option=tag:dnsoverride,option:dns-server,
> This works on any devices that I've tagged with dnsoverride, but it's
> host-dependent rather than interface dependent.
> I've confirmed that the 2.4GHz wifi interface is rai1 with ifconfig
> and based on the firmware docs:
> https://bitbucket.org/padavan/rt-n56u/wiki/EN/CommonTips#!what-are-the-existing-network-interfaces-transcript-naming-interfaces.
> I've tried the following without success - it seems like it gets
> ignored for any clients connecting to the guest network:
> - dhcp-option=tag:rai1,option:dns-server,
> - dhcp-option=interface:rai1,option:dns-server,
> - dhcp-option=rai1,option:dns-server,
> Is it not possible to set the dns server based on the interface?
Yes, it is possible.

But I have the correct syntax not at hand. The mailinglist archive has
within the last four, maybe six, weeks a report on succesfull tag of
interface name.


Geert Stappers

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