On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 12:49:22AM +0200, Uwe Schindler via Dnsmasq-discuss 
> Hi Chris
> > However this brings me back to where my original question came from, since 
> > there
> > is no 'nameserver' entry pointing at localhost will dnsmasq cache?  Or do I 
> > have
> > to manually add a 'nameserver' somewhere?
> Dnsmasq will cache for requests coming from localhost (like local tools,
> ssh,...) and also from other devices on your local network. Local programs
> on same machine like SSH, browsers, webservers, mailservers,... work because
> of your /etc/resolv.conf file: It points to  dnsmasq.
> Dnsmasq caches and forwards unknown requests to the server provided by
> NetworkManager (which does similar stuff like resolvconf package). Somebody
> should change the /etc/default/dnsmasq comment and say "resolvconf or
> NetworkManager").
Yes, thanks, on thinking about how it's all supposed to work the above
makes sense.

Chris Green

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