OpenWRT is weird and has its own technique for the initial
configuration of dnsmasq[1]. Let me just focus my question on using
dhcp-host and dhcp-option in dnsmasq.conf

My understanding is a "typical" way to use dhcp-option is to define
two separate options and "set" them twice in a dhcp-host

    # Define dhcp-option with tag:router1 and option:router

    # Define another dhcp-option with tag:dns_server1 and option:dns-server

    # Now specify multiple dhcp-option using their tag names in dhcp-host

The bot suggested multiple options could be appended to a
a single dhcp-option using one tag name:

    # Define dhcp-option with tag:my_options with option:router

    # Now "append" option:dns-server to dhcp-option with tag:my_options

    # Append more options to option with tag:my_options ...

    # Now use my_options to give a dhcp-host multiple options

Using the "append" technique means I don't have to repeat myself and
I can use one "my_options" to supply multiple options to any number
of different dhcp-host's. I've determined this works, but is it "legal"? I
ask because I could not find documentation for the "append" technique.


On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 6:58 AM Geert Stappers <> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 08, 2023 at 09:37:27PM -0700, Wink Saville wrote:
> >   ... "options" "tag"  ... at least it seems to work for me on
> > OpenWRT with dnsmasq v2.86. But, as I said I don't see in the
> > documentation. Did I just miss it or should I not use it
> > or maybe it should be documented?
> I can't tell.  I didn't get what the options were, what the tags was.
> Neither what did define the tag.
> Please describe the original problem.
> Also share the default Luci configuration file
> and the modified Luci configuration file with the assumed solution.
> Groeten
> Geert Stappers
> P.S. The monthly posting has
> | See also  which starts with:
> |   The XY problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than
> |   your actual problem. This leads to enormous amounts of wasted time
> |   and energy, both on the part of people asking for help, and on the
> |   part of those providing help.
> --
> Silence is hard to parse
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