Isn't this sufficient to fix the problem?

Not calling die() when bind-dynamic is set is intended to handle the case that bind returns EADDRNOTAVAIL because you've configured --listen-address= but there's not a local interface with that address. dnsmasq runs anyway in the expectation that such an interface will appear in the future and a socket will be bound then.

I don't think there's a die()/syslog() conflict at all.

diff --git a/src/network.c b/src/network.c
index ca9fada..db1d528 100644
--- a/src/network.c
+++ b/src/network.c
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ static int make_sock(union mysockaddr *addr, int type, int dienow)
/* failure to bind addresses given by --listen-address at this point
             is OK if we're doing bind-dynamic */
-         if (!option_bool(OPT_CLEVERBIND))
+         if (!option_bool(OPT_CLEVERBIND) || errno == EADDRINUSE)
            die(s, daemon->addrbuff, EC_BADNET);



On 22/11/2023 19:27, Petr Menšík wrote:
Hello everyone,

I have received error report RHEL-16398 [1], which I think makes sense to fix even in the lastest version. I believe it allows non-intentional another instance running without error. What is worse, it does not even show any warning that initialization is incomplete.

Of course the problem at start is those errors happen in time when no log is available. I think that can be fixed easily by using stderr at that time. That is patch #1.

Second makes EADDRNOTAVAIL bind errors still hidden, but prints all other errors at least to stderr. On a system with systemd that should make it present in journalctl -u dnsmasq anyway. EADDRINUSE is made fatal, because that would not be usually handled by new addresses added later. If there is a need to start another dnsmasq instance without TCP listeners, I think that should be specified more explicitly. Makes EADDRINUSE fatal the same way as with --bind-interfaces.

Would you find any other errors, which should be hidden or made fatal? What would you think of those changes?


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