I finally found some time for further investigations. Here are my observations.

NAS1: old NAS with systemd-nspawn lan-basics
NAS2: new NAS with systemd-nspawn lan-basics
lan-basics1: NAS1's lan-basics on NAS2
lan-basics2: NAS2's lan-basics on NAS1

OS NAS1: Debian 11
OS NAS2: Debian 12
OS lan-basics@NAS1: Debian 11
OS lan-basics@NAS2: Debian 12

lan-basics@NAS1 is configured to use bridge br0 which enslaved the physical interface enp1s0.

lan-basics@NAS2 started with 1 of 4 interfaces moved into the systemd-nspawn, enp6s0. I removed any additional interfaces of my prior setup as I wanted to reduce the moving parts.

Leaving aside dnsmasq's configuration that worked on lan-basics@NAS1, I made the following attempts:

1. I copied lan-basics@NAS2 to lan-basics2@NAS1. As NAS1 only has one interface I added lan-basics2 to the same br0 as lan-basics@NAS1. The result was the same as on NAS2: "DHCP packet received on host0 which has no address" (the veth interface in this configuration is named host0 in the container).

2. I replicated the network configuration from NAS1: I created a bridge interface br0, enslaved enp6s0 and configured lan-basics@NAS2 to use this bridge interface. Still the same symptoms.

3. I copied lan-basics@NAS1 to lan-basics1@NAS2. There I first tried using the same initial config as lan-basics@NAS2 with enp6s0, but lan-basics1 now oddly showed the same symptoms.

4. I reconfigured the network to enslave enp6s0 under br0 and lan-basics1 to use this bridge interface. It works.

For the moment I stick to setup 4 but there's apparently something wrong with how dnsmasq treats namespaced interfaces. I can switch around setups 3 and 4, always with the same result of dnsmasq complaining about receiving DHCP packets on the interface where it doesn't know its address. Yes, I made sure that dnsmasq is started after the interface got its configuration (stopping dnsmasq, checking the address of the interface, starting dnsmasq).

I haven't tried yet the other network options of systemd-nspawn, e.g. IPVLAN, MACVLAN, VETH with port forwarding etc. Giving a systemd-nspawn container a network interface with exclusive access should be the gold standard of all possible network configurations.

FWIW, the versions of the involved dnsmasq binaries are 2.85 for Debian 11 and 2.89 for Debian 12.

I believe this to be a bug in dnsmasq. I'd gladly help to debug it but I can't do it myself. AFAICT the problem seems to be in iface_check in network.c but I don't know where it goes wrong.

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