On Mon, 8 Apr 2024, Petr Menšík wrote:

Are you sure DNS over TCP were disabled by default? Were it not some
local applied policy?

Sorry, this is missunderstanding, this was a local firewall problem that did not allow a TCP DNS querries for Windows machines. This setup was happily working for many years... but was not correct and manifestate only when dnsmasq stopped support for large EDNS UDP querries.

TCP is mandatory for a long time, I am not even sure it ever was just
optional. Can you share
where this is set and where it can be checked, whether TCP is enabled

Great test examples are:

- nslookup -type=txt google.com
- nslookup -type=txt cisco.com

Adam Pribyl

On 3/19/24 08:36, Adam Pribyl
Seems the problem is solved by allowing a DNS over TCP for clients.

While inability to forward larger EDNS querries ove UDS in 2.90 is certainly a change, I understand that dnsmasq is now following the DNS flag day suggestion instead RFC.

I'd like to still point out, that the --edns-packet-max option does not workaround the problem for me as dnsmasq "shrinks" the value to the 1232 even this is set larger.


Adam Pribyl

On Mon, 18 Mar 2024, Adam Pribyl wrote:

I tried to increase the --edns-packet-max=1450, did not work, set it to 2048 now resolution seems to work. Interestingly only temporarily, because this appears in the dnsmasq log soon

 reducing DNS packet size for nameserver to 1232

and the resolution is not working again.

So it seems this is related to that change in dnsmasq and Windows name resolution as with Linux clients there is no problem, but even using this option does not fix the problem as for some reason dnsmasq decides to override the override..

Still it is not obvious to me, what edns packet size was used in dnsmasq before 2.90 version.

Adam Pribyl

On Tue, 12 Mar 2024, Adam Pribyl wrote:

In this case the query is from Windows 10 machine->dnsmasq server on Fedora 38 forwards to -> bind on debian.

The result on Windows nslookup

Server: UnKnown

*** UnKnown can't find login.microsoftonline.com: Unspecified error

In dnsmasq there is this "reply is truncated" for this forwarded query.

I do not think the problem is the Windows client, because from the time I downgraded the dnsmasq on Fedora to 2.89, I did not get any "reply is truncated" dnsmasq log message anymore.

I can not judge if client should do anything else in this case thou..

Adam Pribyl

On Tue, 12 Mar 2024, Petr Menšík wrote:

The response seems correct and acceptable in size. It should not truncate, at least what I see. It should also retry with TCP when truncated reply arrives. I have verified even last release works with dig. Dnsmasq does not do tcp query by itself, it expects client to do TCP query. What client do you use?

$ dig login.microsoftonline.com a

; <<>> DiG 9.18.24 <<>> login.microsoftonline.com a
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 20188
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 11, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
; EDE: 3 (Stale Answer)
;login.microsoftonline.com.    IN    A

login.microsoftonline.com. 10360 IN    CNAME login.mso.msidentity.com.
login.mso.msidentity.com. 30    IN    CNAME ak.privatelink.msidentity.com. ak.privatelink.msidentity.com. 30 IN    CNAME www.tm.ak.prd.aadg.trafficmanager.net.
www.tm.ak.prd.aadg.trafficmanager.net. 30 IN A
www.tm.ak.prd.aadg.trafficmanager.net. 30 IN A
www.tm.ak.prd.aadg.trafficmanager.net. 30 IN A
www.tm.ak.prd.aadg.trafficmanager.net. 30 IN A
www.tm.ak.prd.aadg.trafficmanager.net. 30 IN A
www.tm.ak.prd.aadg.trafficmanager.net. 30 IN A
www.tm.ak.prd.aadg.trafficmanager.net. 30 IN A
www.tm.ak.prd.aadg.trafficmanager.net. 30 IN A

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Mar 12 10:07:36 CET 2024
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 303

I have tried dig +ignore +noedns -t txt on google.com or cisco.com. If client does not retry, it gets no response. If it does, it does. It seems to work as intended.

If might help querying your bind server by dig @ txt ch version.bind. But I suspect the problem is in client incorrectly omitting TCP query retry. Is it glibc program? Can you tell us more about client program making those queries?


On 3/11/24 09:27, Adam Pribyl wrote:
After upgrade of dnsmasq 2.89 to dnsmasq-2.90-1.fc38.x86_64 I started to notice, that some queries won't resolve when asked thru dnsmasq, but work asked directly to upstream nameserver.

I found that certain queries forwarded to anycast bind nameservers return only a "reply is truncated" message and no record.

Mar 11 07:30:05 server dnsmasq[4054056]: query[A] login.microsoftonline.com from Mar 11 07:30:05 server dnsmasq[4054056]: forwarded login.microsoftonline.com to
Mar 11 07:30:05 server dnsmasq[4054056]: reply is truncated

Downgrading to dnsmasq-2.89-1.fc38.x86_64 seems to solve the problem.

The response for login.microsoftonline.com is a long one.

In the dnsmasq changelog I found, there were some changes with edns max size, but I can not find the commit to find out what was there before, to set the --edns-packet-max.

The general question would be - what is the correct DNS setup then? I probably need to change the bind config, as I do not want to fix every dnsmasq "client" in the network.


Adam Pribyl

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list


Petr Menšík
Software Engineer, RHEL
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Petr Menšík
Software Engineer, RHEL
Red Hat, https://www.redhat.com/
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