On 06.07.24 19:40, CHOPPERGIRL via Dnsmasq-discuss wrote:
Most of us are replying via the mailing list,and apparently the mailing list isn't very smart,and doesn't post our replies in the correct areaif our mailing software doesn't "quote" themcorrectly.  I'm using Yahoo mail, and it doesn'tquote at all.

The list's job is to get the mail to subscribers, it's not the list's job to format the e-mail.

I am really sorry that Yahoo mail can't quote e-mail (all clients I know can do that for decades) and turns HTML line wraps into no space, thus joins words (as you can see above and below)
So I found the response to my simple dnsmasqquestion quite arrogant and hostile, and soI dumped dnsmasq and used a Windows dnsserver solution instead.  Sorry, Linux community.

I am sorry that we could not help you but I'm glad you have working solution.

Note that we are not paid for mailing list support (at least I am not) and this is mostly user forum.

All I wanted to know was how to tell dnsmasqon the command line, how to pass it an argumentto use a DNS server ip address, instead of puttingit in the conf file (that I can not modify).

I believe using --server=a.b.c.d should do that just as if it was "server=a.b.c.d" in the config file, and that (nearly) all options in config file work like that.

dnsmasq should also read /etc/resolv.conf and use all IP addresses from that file that are not local as upstream servers. You can override the resolv.conf using "-r" or "--resolv-file" option or disable reading it using "-R" or "--no-resolv" file.

This should be in paragraph one of the DNS manpage, or at least in the command line switchessection which needs to be rewritten in plain straightforward english, not technobabble gobbelty goop.

I believe putting better explanation about config-file and command-line options being the same (or, if they are not, describing differences) into the man page would help much.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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