On Mon, Jul 08, 2024 at 10:56:27AM +0200, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 06.07.24 19:40, Choppergirl via Dnsmasq-discuss wrote:
> > Most of us are replying via the mailing list,and apparently the mailing
> > list isn't very smart,and doesn't post our replies in the correct areaif
> > our mailing software doesn't "quote" themcorrectly.  I'm using Yahoo
> > mail, and it doesn'tquote at all.
> The list's job is to get the mail to subscribers, it's not the list's job to
> format the e-mail.
> I am really sorry that Yahoo mail can't quote e-mail (all clients I know can
> do that for decades) and turns HTML line wraps into no space, thus joins
> words (as you can see above and below)
> > So I found the response to my simple dnsmasqquestion quite arrogant and
> > hostile, and soI dumped dnsmasq and used a Windows dnsserver solution
> > instead.  Sorry, Linux community.
> I am sorry that we could not help you but I'm glad you have working
> solution.
The monthly posting has advice "Aim for common interest".  That advice
is for avoiding "sorry, we could not help". The opening is stronger
on preventing dnsmasq community members need to say sorry.

  "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" has immediately
  after the introduction an advice on before you ask.

  Following that advice is still no guarantee for a (good) response.
  So when you are still stuck with something that you think it is dnsmasq
  related, you have to make more effort.

  Greatest challenge is most likely being persistent in solving the
  problem. ( Not being persistent in demanding an answer. )

> Note that we are not paid for mailing list support (at least I am not)

Yeah, we need to find a way to effectly clue bat non paying "customers"
that they are non-paying-customers.

> and this is mostly user forum.

Yeah, we need to find a way to learn follow users that they are follow users.

> > All I wanted to know was how to tell dnsmasqon the command line, how to
> > pass it an argumentto use a DNS server ip address, instead of puttingit
> > in the conf file (that I can not modify).
> I believe using --server=a.b.c.d should do that just as if it was
> "server=a.b.c.d" in the config file, and that (nearly) all options in config
> file work like that.
> dnsmasq should also read /etc/resolv.conf and use all IP addresses from that
> file that are not local as upstream servers. You can override the
> resolv.conf using "-r" or "--resolv-file" option or disable reading it using
> "-R" or "--no-resolv" file.

Thankfully that didn't get a follow-up under current subject.

Maybe we will see a follow-up
on https://lists.thekelleys.org.uk/pipermail/dnsmasq-discuss/2024q2/017621.html

> > This should be in paragraph one of the DNS manpage, or at least in the
> > command line switchessection which needs to be rewritten in plain
> > straightforward english, not technobabble gobbelty goop.
> I believe putting better explanation about config-file and command-line
> options being the same (or, if they are not, describing differences) into
> the man page would help much.

Quoting the dnsmasq manual page:

    At  startup,  dnsmasq  reads  /etc/dnsmasq.conf, if it exists. (On
    FreeBSD, the file is /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf )  (but  see  the
    --conf-file  and --conf-dir options.) The format of this file con-
    sists of one option per line, exactly as the long options detailed
    in  the OPTIONS section but without the leading "--". Lines start-
    ing with # are comments and ignored. For options which may only be
    specified once, the configuration file overrides the command line.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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