> I think the history of discussion of this document shows that most
> people here agree with the following three statements:
> 1   DNS PTR records are entirely optional, and MUST NOT be assumed to
>    exist.  Software MUST NOT fail or incur delay as a result of the non-
>    existance of PTR records.

        I disagree with the second sentence.  With a one word change,
        I might agree with the first sentence, e.g. " DNS records are 
        entirely optional, and MUST NOT be assumed to exist. "   In other
        words, applications MUST support address literals.

> 2   Unauthenticated DNS MUST NOT be relied on for security or trust
>    decisions.  Even when DNSSEC is used to verify the authenticity of
>    DNS records, matching reverse and forward records do not imply either
>    improved security or trustworthiness over sites that either do not
>    have reverse DNS or that do not have matching foward/reverse DNS.

        I disagree with this statement.  It is false today and will be
        false when DNSSEC is used.

> 3   DNS records MUST NOT be used in logs instead of IP addresses.

        i disagree with this statement.  If one were to change the "MUST NOT"
        to a SHOULD NOT, then this might be a reasonable suggestion.

>    Logging only the PTR resource records instead of the IP address is  
>    vulnerable, since attackers may have used long names that will either 
>    become truncated by many logging systems, or require upto 255 bytes 
>    to store.  Logging both IP address and DNS PTR records may be helpful
>    but one must also consider that the 255 byte per record space 
>    requirement does not become a DOS attack on the logging system.

        the example is a sad statement on the support of fully qualified
        domain names in syslog and its cousins, regardless of DNS RR used.
        A/AAAA/A6 lables are just as prone to length considerations as
        PTR lables.  Nothing inherently worse w/ PTR lables.


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