On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 11:47:41AM -0500, Edward Lewis wrote:
> At 2:58 PM +0100 11/9/07, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> >I thought that there was a wide agreement in the TLD community that it
> >was bad practice to keep IP addresses of name servers, except when it
> >was necessary for the glue?
> I can't speak for "wide agreement" but generally, reducing the amount 
> of unnecessary data is a good thing.  The problem is that what is 
> deemed necessary changes over time.

Note that in a registry, there's an ordering problem, too.  Consider
this case

1.  Register example.org with some name servers.

2.  Register ns1.example.org.  It's not yet a name server, so you
    don't need an IP address, because no glue is strictly needed.

3.  Update example.org, and add ns1.example.org as a nameserver. 

The problem is that in (3), _ex hypothesi_ you didn't collect the IP
address in (2), so you'll have a delegation that can't be used (since
you can't get to the name server without the IP address). 

Since this is a general problem when in-zone hosts are created in a
registry, there are good reasons always to collect and store IP
addresses for host objects (or whatever analogous thing you use in
your protocol) that are in-zone.  

Andrew Sullivan                         204-4141 Yonge Street
Afilias Canada                        Toronto, Ontario Canada
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