On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 10:35:54AM -0700, David Conrad wrote:

> it in their products or services.  Peter Koch did provide an interesting 
> data point that warrants further investigation (20-35% of queries having DO 
> bit on seems a bit high to me) and someone else responded privately that 

I think Peter's data point sure warrants further investigation, yes.

> I suspect the question as to what will break if the root is signed will be 
> asked in "venues that matter" in the near future.  It would be nice to have 
> an answer, or at least an idea of what to look for, before hand.

I completely agree with this.  The reason I didn't answer the actual
question you asked is, of course, I don't know.  We haven't collected
the data so far.  The best we can say is, "It shouldn't, assuming
correct protocol implementations out there."  We know, however, that
the correct protocol implementations are not the only implementations,
and therefore that we will have surprise breakages during deployment.
I suspect this is a risk we will have to live with in the case of any
deployment of significant new DNS features, unfortunately.


Andrew Sullivan
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