On Mon, 1 Sep 2008, David Conrad wrote:

> > This draft reminds me of the claims that open relays somehow  
> > promoted spam.
> [Trademark Dean Anderson paranoiac drivel deleted]

You misuse the word paranoid.  The word 'paranoid', means one has an
unjustified fear. I have no 'unjustified fear', nor have I even
expressed fear. I've cited facts.  Rather than trying to dispute the
facts, you are just attacking me personally.

> > David Conrad was President of Nominum.
> I was never president of Nominum.  If you're going to take your  
> tinfoil hat off and rant like someone off their meds, at least try to  
> do a minimum of fact checking.  It makes your amusing conspiracy  
> theories so much more interesting.

I'm very sorry to get that wrong. Checking, I see you were only the CTO
and a founder of Nomimum, according to you ICANN bio. But my incorrectly
citing your position as being President vs being CTO and founder isn't a
very significant mistake when asserting your conflict of interest. My
trivial mistake doesn't seem to qualify as being 'rant like someone off
their meds'---You seem to exaggerate quite a bit. Struck a nerve, did I?

But indeed, things are worse than I said. Having now checked the facts,
I see now you were an Executive Director of the Internet Software
Consortium (ISC) from 1998 - 2001, just the period where many of these
things were going on.  Your conflict of interest in these matters is
pretty well established.


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