On 8 Sep 2009, at 21:19, Edward Lewis wrote:

What would impress me is a proposal to sign the root zone that included a real good look at the provisioning interface as well as an OT&E. For instance, promise me a response to a DS change in a matter of hours or minutes, not a day.

Ed, what would impress me is a signed root zone. Delivered some time before my yet unborn grandchildren retire. :-)

Yes, the provisioning interface and an OT&E environment would be nice. So would tools and processes to get DS changes propagated in the timescales you mentioned (or better). However these can come later IMO. The first thing is to establish the solid foundation of a signed root.

There will be plenty of time after there's a signed root to work on these things. Few TLDs are signed yet and few of them are signing delegations. There's only a small bunch of people who have switched on validation. So the impact of a dud TLD key or failed rollover isn't going to be a big deal. [Did the recent problem with .pr cause the sky to fall in?] At least not today. And maybe not for another year or two.

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